Saturday, December 28, 2013


Life had been interesting lately. Just adjusting to being apart of my own family, it's amazing how I've finally gotten the motivation to make positive changes for myself by simply looking at my daughter. I'm finding that there's multiple changes that need to be made so I can achieve totally peace and happiness. I'm tired of being treated with less then I know I deserve by people around me. I'm overall a good person, a non-confrontational person. Why am I surrounded by such angry, depressed people? How do I build a life of positivity with so much negitivity around me?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Where do I even begin?
My world, in the past 14 months has done a total 180.
It makes no sense how much change has occurred.
But I'm not complaining.
I'm a mother now,& in a relationship that's... interesting but makes me happy.
We're up and down all day long, but we love each other so much, and isn't that what matters most?
Our daughter, the most beautiful little girl I've ever laid eyes on, and not just because shes mine. But because God made her just that amazing. 
Family - something I've always wanted, and even though its hard and complicated on most days, the days that its easy make all the struggle so worth it. I feel stronger then I have in a long time. I'm finally in a place where I can say my head is almost on straight. Zoloft and therapy once a week are a big help too. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Eyes Open Wide

I used to spend a lot of time praying for a situation that just wasn't meant to be. With red flags left & right, I ignored it. And forced something that was just so toxic & disguised it to myself as something meant to be. No, a life of pain & worry is not a life one should want to live. All the uncertainties & sleepless nights, I'm glad to say are in the past now. I would like to think that God gave me the strength to finally walk away & then opened my heart to the start of something new and beautiful. I'm not saying, I'm predicting the future & that this will be smooth sailing. I'm prepared for hardships. But at the same time, I have more faith & hope in this then anything I've had before. This life we're starting together is real & so different then anything I've experienced before. & when it comes to starting a family together, I'm happy it's with you, I'm comfortable & confident in you. We're going to be parents! It's crazy to think about & to put it into words, but we got this.. And it's going to be amazing.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

¿Que Pasa Contigo?

I'm a little confused as to what's been going on with me lately. Feeling like a female Howard Hughes, I don't want to move or leave my room. I'm just stuck with the weight of the world on my mind and shoulders. A ticking time bomb, any little thing can really set me off in any direction these days. I'm longing for something... & it's driving me off the edge to not get it, but it cannot be forced, so I took today to try to give space, possibly be longed for... Back. I need to let out a lot in this post, so prepare. I think back to my past relationships & at this point I remember a lot of hurt. Right now, all I can think to myself is a lot of the feelings I've felt before & I don't ever want to feel again, with that being said, I'm almost scared to fall in love again, even though I question am I already in the process. I miss being comforted. Having someone be genuinely affectionate towards me. My situation now, is one that makes me happy but also one that has potential for so much more. I am usually one to be aggressive when I want something but this... Isn't usual. I can't do what I would do with anybody, it's different, it's a different feeling then what I've had before. I'm more confused then ever. Trying to "go with the flow" is taking to long to get me the answers I need. And I'm just at a block.