Monday, February 4, 2013

Eyes Open Wide

I used to spend a lot of time praying for a situation that just wasn't meant to be. With red flags left & right, I ignored it. And forced something that was just so toxic & disguised it to myself as something meant to be. No, a life of pain & worry is not a life one should want to live. All the uncertainties & sleepless nights, I'm glad to say are in the past now. I would like to think that God gave me the strength to finally walk away & then opened my heart to the start of something new and beautiful. I'm not saying, I'm predicting the future & that this will be smooth sailing. I'm prepared for hardships. But at the same time, I have more faith & hope in this then anything I've had before. This life we're starting together is real & so different then anything I've experienced before. & when it comes to starting a family together, I'm happy it's with you, I'm comfortable & confident in you. We're going to be parents! It's crazy to think about & to put it into words, but we got this.. And it's going to be amazing.